Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A man, an ostrich and a cat walks into the bar.

The bartender walks over to them and says: "What can I get for you?". The man answers: "I will have a beer", the ostrich says: "I will have a beer as well", the cat says: "I will have a beer and I am not buying". Bartender brings the drinks and says: "OK, that will be $3.87". The man reaches into his pocket and brings out the exact change and pays for the drinks. A little bit later bartender asks them what else would they like to get. They order the same thing and the man again has the exact change for the drinks. A couple of days later they come back into the bar and the bartender walks over and asks: "What do you guys want today?". This time the man orders a scotch, the ostrich orders a bourbon and the cat says: "I'll have a beer and I'm not buying". The bartender says: "OK, that will be $7.53". Then man again reaches into his pocket and brings out the exact change and pays him. After a couple of months three of them become regular customers at the bar. Eventually, the bartender's curiosity got the best of him and he asks the man: "You have been coming to the bar for quite some time now, can I ask you a couple of questions?". The man says: "Sure, go ahead". Bartender says: "Why is it that every time I tell you the amount you owe, you always have the exact change in your pocket?". The man answers: "I found a bottle with a genie in it and she granted me three wishes. My first wish was that I always have the exact change in my pocket for anything I want to buy". Bartender says: "That's a great wish, even better than asking for a million dollars. A million can run out at some point and now you will always have enough money, but I still have to ask, what's the deal with the ostrich and the cat?". The man says: "That's where I screwed up. I asked for a chick with long legs and a nice pussy".

The Original Fudge Kitchen
One day before work I went for a ride in the city just to look around. I found a closed block in the city, but I saw a lot of people over there, so I decided to check out what could they offer. I found a big tent of t-shirts. Most of the t-shirts had these funny pictures printed on them, but the problem was, that most of them were weather-stained. So I just took several pictures with the first several t-shirts that I picked up. Of course, I found a few other interesting views in the city and decided that I will share these pictures over the post.

On 12th of July we encountered a storm here in Wildwood. I had a split shift, so I had a couple of hours lunch break. I didn't have my lunch with me, but I had my raincoat. So I decided to head home even though it was pouring rain heavily. I put my boots into my backpack, jumped onto my bike with barefoot and started to ride. It was then, when I noticed that my raincoat didn't protect me that much and I was already all wet. The only purpose of the the raincoat at this point was to protect my backpack, which was the only thing that it did. Having in mind, that I was already wet, I decided to go and get some food from the grocery store. When I was riding my bike through the town, people where stopping by with there cars and asking me if they will be able to pass that road with their car. I was raining so heavily, that some of the roads where closed. At some points at the road water was so high that it even reached my knees even though I was on bicycle. Also, the wind was blowing so hard that I felt like a batman (it might as well be Bat-cat), when his mantle flaps in the air. Of course, in my case it was my raincoat.

Just after the little storm that we had here, I went to the ocean to have a swim. The waves were huge, it was probably the first time that the ocean tried to consume me so hard. I enjoyed those waves so much. Now whenever I am going to the beach I always expect to find such a big waves again. Fortunately, today was my lucky day, cause I got to enjoy the waves again as well as I remembered one funny detail about it. During such a weather, after rain, when the waves are big, usually the ocean water is much colder than usual. Both of the times that I got to enjoy big waves, I came back with a dripping nose. It is only natural, cause the water was that cold, but the nose is dripping like an open tap and only one side of it and that of course seems a little bit odd and funny for me. I am also getting more and more acquainted with the ocean. I noticed that I am going there more often by every day. I have several beaches around my house, so I can even choose to which one I want to go. On the way I also pass a few quite unique pieces of art.

Of course, I have to tell more about our beloved neighbors, but now from another angle. Sometimes it feels that our house is built straight on a huge anthill. Whenever we leave any sweets on the table, it immediately gets consumed by ants. Of course, these aren't the only animals around. You can often meet a rabbit jumping in the yard, squirrels climbing surrounding fences and trees. One evening I even saw opossum that caught me by surprise. At first, I thought that it was anteater, but later on I was explained that it probably was just an opossum. It might be very simple, but to see these animals up close always brings a smile into my face. Well, maybe the ants would be an exception, cause I have already lost several packages of food, apparently I didn't fold it perfectly and they were able to get inside (for example, my serial).

When I bought my bicycle in Amsterdam, I thought that it was the crappiest bicycle that I would ever get. Oh, how wrong I was. The one that I have right now is all oily, so if I touch it with my white work pants or any part what so ever, it makes almost unwashable stains. I also tried to clean it, which also seems to be nearly impossible. Front wheel as well as the back one, handles, gears, breaks are loose and if it's raining I have to be even more careful. In general, we are living in a nice neighborhood. For a couple of last years everybody were leaving there bicycles just outside and didn't have any problems what so ever. This year everything is different. One day our neighbors' bicycles were stolen. Even though my bicycle was the first one in the row and unlocked, they probably didn't even consider taking it, or even considered to leave me some extra money. A couple of days after the first accident with the bikes, my roommate had our apartment door open with lights and everything on, just being inside while the bicycle was just at our doorstep. Apparently, it wasn't enough for thieves to try to steal the bicycle again. It's good that he saw it in time and was able to scare them this time. Of course, I am obligated to tell the story fully ant truthfully. There were around eight guys and most of them had guns with them. When the roommate saw his bicycle's wheel disappear, he ran outside. He saw all of the guys getting alerted. Roommate was thinking fast, so he came up with a perfect solution, he ripped his t-shirt off to show his muscles just to scare them off. As soon as he did that, they dropped the bike and ran off. I really hope that we won't have any similar accidents, cause he might run out of t-shirts to rip off.

The third day off

The first time in a big shopping center in USA. One of my coworkers suggested a couple of stores to go shopping at. That's what I decided to do on my day off. When I went there, the first thing that popped into my head was that these stores resemble me of Lithuania. Maybe it's not an outlet shop itself, but it is close to it. There were a lot of cloths, furniture and a lot of other stuff. All of it of course is much cheaper than in the original shops, plus some of the items even have an additional discounts on them. Of course, as well as in every store here you are able to find food inside. Even in pharmacy stores there is a big variety of different things that are not even related to medicine. Of course, what day off is it without visiting the ocean. As I have already said, I am getting really acquainted to it. So in the evening me and my neighbors went for a walk by the ocean. It is really nice to stand in the ocean and feel the sand going from beneath of my foot back to the ocean. 

The fourth day off

The day before we had a little gathering at our place. It was quite unexpected, cause at first I wasn't told about it, so I thought that people were just messing around with me. When we came back home after work, there were already some people waiting for us at our doorstep. After all, it was really nice to sit down and get to know our coworkers a little bit better. They even pranked at our house. My roommates found a statue and a mirror in their bed, as well as my roommates work boots were hidden in the unfixed ceilings that we have, so the other day it took him quite some time to find the boots before leaving for work. I enjoyed the unexpected evening/night a lot, even though I got drunk just only after a couple of cocktails, that makes me laugh even more.

The actual day off was just a day to relax. I went to the beach a couple of times. The second time that we went there, we saw dolphins swimming in the ocean not that far from us. It was spectacular, cause I really wanted to see dolphins near the beach. Later on we met up with more people and went to sit down on the bridge to the ocean. Over all it was nice and relaxing day. I enjoyed it even though it didn't go as I planned.

The fifth day off

Today I decided that I have to be more precise with my plans and use my free time more efficiently, cause I wasn't able to do everything that I wanted. Well, I cannot say that I didn't do anything. I visited Cape May National Wildlife Refuge, which is made mostly for bird viewing. It is nice, clean and has really beautiful view, plus I saw more birds than I could have expected. Eventually I took binoculars and even started to stock poor birds for a minute. It didn't take long, cause I saw that waves became much bigger over the day, that's when I decided to head to the beach and enjoy them. At last, I found some time to write this post, so it counts for something too.

Merry Christmas

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